The course of the sun as it is seen from Earth, the great history of the Russian people as the first who went to space and the enormous size of their nation’s space make it quite natural to start in Vladivostok, the Russian sea fortress in the Far East.

Not only our placements but also the production of the wax bars shall start with an amazing workshop just right there. Perhaps it is a good idea to make a second workshop in Russia.

  • May

    Reyneke Island, Vladivostok, Ussurijsk, Spassk-Dalni, Kirowski, Dalneretschensk, Bikin, Perejaslawka, Chabarowsk, Birobidschan, Oblutschje, Raychikhinsk, Belogorsk, Swobodny, Uschumun, Magdagatschi, Skoworedino, Jerofei Pawlowitsch, Mogocha, Tschernyschewsk, Tschita, Ulety, Khilok, Petrovsk-Zabaykalskiy, Ulan-Ude, Baykalskaya Ulitsa, Olkhon Island, Olkhonsky District, Ust-Ordinsky, Uzkiy Lug, Kuytun, Nizhneudinsk, Reshoty, Uyar, Kozulka, Tyazhinskiy, Kemerowo, Toguchin, Nowosibirsk, Tschulym, Barabinsk, Tatarsk, Omsk, Abatskoye, Omutinskoye, Tjumen, Bogdanovich, Bissert, Perm, Igra, Konstantinovka, Selenodolsk, Vorotynets, Dserschinsk, Wladimir

  • End of July

    Moscow, Torschok, Kresttsy, Saint-Petersburg, Hamina, Helsinki, Tallinn, Ainazi (Ainazu Pilseta), Joniskis, Kaunas, Bialystok, Wegrow, Lódz, Posen, Frankfurt (Oder), Bad Liebenwerda, Teplitz-Schönau, Budweis, Wien, Graz, Zagreb, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Split, Ancona, Montepulciano, Pistoia, Moneglia, Milano, Andermatt, Brig, Albertville, Dieulefit, Grands Causses, Port-La-Nouvelle, Andorra, Boltaña, Pámplona, Vítoria-Gasteiz, Aranda de Duero, Madrid, Madridejos, Agudo, Montijo, Mora, Cabo da Roca

  • October


This results in approximately 380 placements.

Postproduction of the motion pictures in different formats (documentary series, theatrical documentary and 360° new recording and projection techniques): Until March of the following year, we’d start its release on film: festivals, and distribution commences from 2018 onwards. We will work together with ZARYA Center for Contemporary Art in Vladivostok, where the workshop will be held. The other important local partner is the Rotary Club Vladivostok. As supporting partner we are happy and proud to announce the support from the Horizon Foundation, from The Netherlands.